снова бьётся головой об стену.
читать дальше1766 þay lanced wordes gode
1767 much wele þen watz þerinne
1768 gret perile bitwene hem stod
1769 nif mare of hir knyȝt mynne
(The words they said were good,
And their joy was fair and light;
Great peril between them stood,
But Mary guarded her knight.)
1768-9 The syntax is inconsequent and the metre of 1769 irregular. Even if stod is taken as subjunctive — whether a development or a scribal alteration of stode 'would have stood'—the tense sequence fails because mynne can only be present subj. Gollancz emends to con mynne, making both verbs indicative. The thought is livelier, even if the grammar is unorthodox, if stod is taken as indic., but mynne kept as subj.—'There was in fact great danger, if Mary should not take care of her knight.' Hulbert and Knott (M.L.N. xxx (1915), 107) reject the interpretation of MS. mare as a form of 'Mary', largely on the ground that 'the interference of the Virgin would spoil the whole crucial part of the test, and seems inconceivable from such an artist as our poet'. The point is well made; but their own interpretation requires too much straining of language to be acceptable.
Я щас умру.
( Ну что, что Толкину (или Гордону, или Дэвису) не понравилось в этой фразе? (Такой трактовке этой фразы, если точнее.)
Не подразумевал же поэт, наверное, что имело место прямое "сверхъестественное вмешательство"! "Бог хранил от греха", что-то в этом роде... Что никак не отменяет свободной воли Гавейна. Который сам прекрасно осознает "опасность" и восклицает "Боже оборони!"
"Меньше знаешь...", да.