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понедельник, 11 августа 2008
Ты же, мил человек, не будь Гренделем...
о светильнике Гвиндора для понятно-чего. И (заново) наткнулась на второе примечание к "Истории Туора" (где тоже был светильник) из Анфиништов.
The blue-shining lamps of the Noldorin Elves are referred to elsewhere, though they do not appear in the published text of "The Silmarillion". In earlier versions of the tale of Túrin Gwindor, the Elf of Nargothrond who escaped from Angband and was found by Beleg in the forest of Taur-nu-Fuin, possessed one of these lamps (it can be seen in my father's painting of that meeting, see Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien, 1979, no.37); and it was the overturning and uncovering of Gwindor's lamp so that its light shone out that showed Turin the face of Beleg whom he had killed. In a note on the story of Gwindor they are called "Fëanorian lamps," of which the Noldor themselves did not know the secret; and they are there described as "crystals hung in a fine chain net, the crystals being ever shining with an inner blue radiance."
А потом обнаружилось, что соответствующий текст в "Детях Хурина" практически дословно повторяет это примечание:
These Noldor possessed many of the Fëanorian lamps, which were crystals hung in a fine chain net, the crystals being ever-shining with an inner blue radiance marvellous for finding the way in the darkness of night or in tunnels; of these lamps they themselves did not know the secret.
Но дело даже не в светильниках... а в том, что дальше:
Many of the mining Elves thus escaped from the darkness of the mines, for they were able to bore their way out; but Gwindor received a small sword from one who worked in the forges, and when working in a stone-gang turned suddenly on the guards. He escaped, but with one hand cut off; and now he lay exhausted under the great pines of Taur-nu-Fuin.
Это я к чему? "In a note on the story of Gwindor..." - вот откуда, похоже, взял Кристофер ту самую подробность. Хотя, конечно, какая разница, откуда...
The blue-shining lamps of the Noldorin Elves are referred to elsewhere, though they do not appear in the published text of "The Silmarillion". In earlier versions of the tale of Túrin Gwindor, the Elf of Nargothrond who escaped from Angband and was found by Beleg in the forest of Taur-nu-Fuin, possessed one of these lamps (it can be seen in my father's painting of that meeting, see Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien, 1979, no.37); and it was the overturning and uncovering of Gwindor's lamp so that its light shone out that showed Turin the face of Beleg whom he had killed. In a note on the story of Gwindor they are called "Fëanorian lamps," of which the Noldor themselves did not know the secret; and they are there described as "crystals hung in a fine chain net, the crystals being ever shining with an inner blue radiance."
А потом обнаружилось, что соответствующий текст в "Детях Хурина" практически дословно повторяет это примечание:
These Noldor possessed many of the Fëanorian lamps, which were crystals hung in a fine chain net, the crystals being ever-shining with an inner blue radiance marvellous for finding the way in the darkness of night or in tunnels; of these lamps they themselves did not know the secret.
Но дело даже не в светильниках... а в том, что дальше:
Many of the mining Elves thus escaped from the darkness of the mines, for they were able to bore their way out; but Gwindor received a small sword from one who worked in the forges, and when working in a stone-gang turned suddenly on the guards. He escaped, but with one hand cut off; and now he lay exhausted under the great pines of Taur-nu-Fuin.
Это я к чему? "In a note on the story of Gwindor..." - вот откуда, похоже, взял Кристофер ту самую подробность. Хотя, конечно, какая разница, откуда...
Но вообще - для меня важно, что это - идея Профессора, а не вставка Кристофера (впрочем, последнее было достаточно маловероятно...) Вот еще интересно, откуда он штурм Амон-Руд взял (с пленением Белега).