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суббота, 26 апреля 2008
Ты же, мил человек, не будь Гренделем...
всё-таки будет дель Торо.
На ХА в своё время приводился его пост c форума Hellboy-2:
And, no - no more news on the HOBBIT. Except that I am done reading 3/4 of EVERYTHING JRR Tolkien ever wrote. When I tried to read LOTR at 11 I found it too dense - now at 43 I read them and found them a breeze - BUT I do keep a notepad as I crawl slowly through The Silmarillion - which I find strangely hypnotic and wonderful. I have read so much mythology and mythology / folklore studies in my life and this one is fascinating. I can trace a lot of what Tolkien was doing to Mythologies all over the world (specially Icelandic) BUT he then roots it and re-shapes into a meticulously created Cosmology that is perfect for the Anglo-Saxon world. Brilliant, strong stuff.
Next I will finish two biographies on the Professor... I remember some of his credo about fantasy that affected me deeply when I was a kid. He said something like "keep everything fantastic enough to make it spellbinidng and real enough to make it relatable" I am sure I am misquoting but its been decades since I read it.
На ХА в своё время приводился его пост c форума Hellboy-2:
And, no - no more news on the HOBBIT. Except that I am done reading 3/4 of EVERYTHING JRR Tolkien ever wrote. When I tried to read LOTR at 11 I found it too dense - now at 43 I read them and found them a breeze - BUT I do keep a notepad as I crawl slowly through The Silmarillion - which I find strangely hypnotic and wonderful. I have read so much mythology and mythology / folklore studies in my life and this one is fascinating. I can trace a lot of what Tolkien was doing to Mythologies all over the world (specially Icelandic) BUT he then roots it and re-shapes into a meticulously created Cosmology that is perfect for the Anglo-Saxon world. Brilliant, strong stuff.
Next I will finish two biographies on the Professor... I remember some of his credo about fantasy that affected me deeply when I was a kid. He said something like "keep everything fantastic enough to make it spellbinidng and real enough to make it relatable" I am sure I am misquoting but its been decades since I read it.
Железобетонный канонист
Я думаю, с Хоббитом будет намного легче, чем с ВК. Книга не такая сложная, больше приключений, меньше философии.
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Ты же, мил человек, не будь Гренделем...
julia_monday, там ещё вторая часть будет (сиквел к "Хоббиту", приквел к ВК)... представляешь, как они там могут развернуться? :/
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Железобетонный канонист
У-у-у, да-а-а, это я представляю...

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Железобетонный канонист
Остается надеяться, что внебрачных детей и однополых отношений никому не припишут...
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Бывает, проснешься как птица, Крылатой пружиной на взводе. И хочется жить и трудиться, Но, к завтраку, это проходит. (с)
Интересно, что в результате получится....
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