Текст "чёрной присяги" Whom do ye serve, Light or Mirk?
Who is the maker of mightiest work?
Who is the king of earthly kings,
the greatest giver of gold and rings?
Who is the master of the wide earth?
Who despoiled them of their mirth,
the greedy Gods? Repeat your vows,
Orcs of Bauglir! Do not bend your brows! 2150
Death to light, to law, to love!
Cursed be moon and stars above!
May darkness everlasting old
that waits outside in surges cold
drown Manwe, Varda, and the sun! 2155
May all in hatred be begun,
and all in evil ended be,
in the moaning of the endless Sea!И дальше: "But no true Man nor Elf yet free/would ever speak that blasphemy..."
"Ни один верный человек или эльф,
ещё свободный, не произнёс бы такого богохульства..."
Это надо понимать в том смысле, что несвободные эльфы могли и произнести?